EnSys Energy
Informing key decisions in the global oil industry

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Refining Capacity Economics & Yields

Detailed Data and Simulation by Refinery Worldwide

We provide researched and modeled capacity and yield profiles on refineries worldwide. The profiles address weaknesses in published data and supply a much more realistic assessment of actual operations and yields.

Our database offers:

  • Detailed, thoroughly research for current capacity and projects, by process unit type for every refinery worldwide
  • Rigorous and experienced evaluation of projects that establish realistic profiles of the actual refinery additions that can be expected over the next several years
  • Assessed utilization rates, crude slates, yields
  • LP model profiles using the single refinery version of WORLD on over 200 refineries covering Latin America, Caribbean, Africa, Middle East and Asia

These data and insights underpin our WORLD Model® analyses but also used for clients concerned to gain understanding of individual groups of refineries.



Learn more about EnSys Refining Economics & Yields

Contact us today at info@ensysenergy.com or 781-274-8454 to discuss how we can provide analysis of refining economics & yields for your organization.

Featured Projects

International Council on Clean Transportation

For the ICCT, EnSys modeled some 225 refineries in developing regions from Latin America to Africa, the Middle East and Asia in order to evaluate capability and costs for producing ultra-low sulfur gasoline and diesel. Considerable effort was put in to assessing actual data on capacities, crude slates etc. rather than relying solely on often flawed published surveys.

Bloomberg Refining Netbacks

From 2004-2014, EnSys Energy provided the algorithms and programming underpinning the Bloomberg refining netbacks (NTBK).  The system generated daily netbacks on some 40 crude streams across a range of refining modes simulated at major refining centers in the USA, Europe, Mediterranean and Asia.   To generate the prototypical refinery yields and utilities consumptions EnSys employed the RTEC single refinery model that is at the core of the EnSys WORLD Model®. Today EnSys uses the system to assess individual refineries worldwide as, for example, in our study for the ICCT.

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