EnSys Energy
Informing key decisions in the global oil industry

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EnSys President, Martin Tallett, quoted in the Financial Times

Martin Tallett, President of EnSys Energy, was recently quoted in a Financial Times entitled, “New shipping fuel regulation set to hit commodities.” The article addresses the potential impacts of the IMO’s Global Sulphur Rule on the price of marine fuels and other commodities. In the article, Tallett discusses the effect of limiting the sulphur content in marine fuels on other clean products, “Since the key clean products — gasoline, jet fuel and diesel — are closely related, when demand and pricing for one surges that tends to also raise prices of the others.”

The full Financial Times article can be found at: www.ft.com/content/ d0ae63c4-452f-11e7-8519- 9f94ee97d996 (subscription required).



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